本帖最后由 cimatron 于 2014-6-19 09:58 编辑
导动 Drive导动描述 Drive Description 在这一节里实体指南中导动的两个必要的元素,也就是脊线和截面将被创建。并且执行下面的导动。In this section of the Solid Tutorial the two necessary components of the drive i.e. Spine and Section will be created, and the drive below executed.
拉伸 Extrude 创建一个新的零件命名为Drive 。Create a New Part called Drive.在系统草绘里绘制下面的草图。Within the Sketcher in Cimatron E draw the following sketch:
退出草绘并创建接着的拉伸,通过任意点选鼠标右键并选择新的拉伸或选择Solid/New/Extrude。 Exit the Sketcher and create the following Extrude, by either pressing the right mouse button and selecting New Extrude or selecting the Solid/New/Extrude:
接受默认参数。Accept the default parameters.
组合 Composite接下的组合是将构建导动的脊线。The following composite is going to make up the spine section of the Drive. 任意选择 Curves/Composite, 或者选择组合曲线图标
or press the Composite Curve icon 创建接下的组合曲线,不要退出组合曲线功能。Create the following composite curve, and do not exit the composite curve function:-
截面 Section file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-26152.png用显示的参考点创建下面的圆。Create the following circle using the reference point shown: 选择实体过滤器图标去除创建的立方体,选择立方体然后在右键弹出菜单中选择去除几何。Now remove the cube created by clicking on the Filter Objects icon file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-8496.png, selecting the cube and then choosing Remove Geometry from the Right click menu: 这时屏幕会如下显示。The screen will now appear as follows: Drive选择 Solid/New/Drive. 选择圆作为截面并选择组合曲线作为脊线。Select the circle as the Section and the composite curve as the Spine. 进入草图并选择截面作为草绘平面,用增加几何file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-2259.png选项来创建下面的圆。Open the Sketcher, and select the Section as the sketching plane. Use the Add Geometry file:///C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-3312.png option to created the circle below:- 退出草绘并增加一个拉伸增量值为100。Exit the sketcher and Add an extrude to the drive, with a delta of 100. 镜像 Mirror 选择 Edit/Copy geometry/Mirror. 选择整个几何然后选择镜像的平面。Choose the entire geometry and pick the Mirror Plane below: 接受复制的几何并保存你的操作。Accept the Copied geometry and SAVE your work. 退出零件环境。Exit the part environment. |