BS 8888-2008 技术产品规范.规范共有90页,其为标准的英文版标准,阅读此技术规范,英语要过关或者借助一些翻译软件;
BS 8888-2008 技术产品规范

BS 8888-2008 技术产品规范.规范(90页、英文版标准)|就上UG网
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Foreword iii
1 Scope 1
2 references 2
3 terms and definitions 2
4 Global standards underpinning BS 8888 3
5 types of documentation 5
6 Scales 7
7 Lines, arrows and terminators 7
8 Lettering 8
9 Projections 9
10 Views 9
11 Sections 10
12 Symbols and abbreviations 10
13 representation of features 12
14 representation of components 13
15 dimensioning and tolerancing 14
16 Geometrical tolerancing 20
17 Surface texture indication 21
18 Graphical representation and annotation of 3-d data (3-d
modelling output) 22
19 Verification 23
20 Security 23
21 Storage and retrieval 24
22 Marking 24
23 Protection notices 26
List of annexes
annex a (normative) normative references 27
annex B (informative) informative references 48
annex C (informative) Expression of the concept 50
annex d (informative) Cast, forged and moulded parts 51
annex E (normative) document security – Enhanced 59
annex F (informative) Key differences between BS 8888 geometrical
tolerancing and aSME Y14.5 geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
(Gd&t) 60
annex G (informative) Forthcoming amendments to
BS iSO 1101:2004 64
annex h (informative) technical product specification – Geometrical
product specification (GPS) 75
List of figures
Figure 1 – Metric reference graduations 6
Figure 2 – auxiliary view showing true shape of inclined surface 10
Figure 3 – Permissible interpretations when no form control is given
on the drawing 16
Figure 4 – dimensioning of keyways 19
Figure 5 – Examples of general tolerance notes 20
Figure 6 – Method of indicating that the independency system of
tolerancing had been used 25
Figure 7 – Method of indicating that the dependency system of
tolerancing had been used 25
Figure d.1 – reproduced Figure E.1 from iSO 8062-3, showing the tPS
for the example cast part 54
Figure d.2 – reproduced Figure E.2 from iSO 8062-3, showing the
example cast part with the applicable general straightness tolerances